Belarus is a country which is rich in Slavic history and one that has overcome many challenges. Chernobyl (1986) reduced their available farmland and afflicted many of the people with illnesses caused by radiation. These challenges have led to poverty, malnutrition, and health impacts from poor environmental conditions in much of the country.
Children who are able to participate in the 6 week summer program for the entire time that they are eligible (Ages 7-16) are believed to add as many as 10 years to their life expectancy. Furthermore clothes, gifts, and cash sent back with the children enable families to purchase appliances and other items which we in the US take for granted.
We invite you to partner with us in building a relationship with the family who will be entrusting us with their child this summer. This is how you can help:
- Please pray for families like ours who are hosting children. ABRO is always seeking additional host families. We will be meeting a child who is in a strange country, speaks Russian, and will likely be terrified. Pray for her comfort and that we will be able to help her feel at home. Pray also that her parents will build a relationship with us.
- Donations toward the $2200 travel expenses are greatly appreciated. Donations directly to us cannot be tax deductible. Those wanting to make a tax deductible contribution will need to do so via an eligible charity or an ABRO supporting church. Contact me for more details.
- Pray for the Doctors and Dentists who are donating free medical care to the children. Medical professionals wanting to participate in providing care may contact a Director or Board Member of ABRO.
- Families are expected to provide clothing, school supplies, substantial cash ($200-300 or more), and other gifts to send back with their visiting child. We saw photos showing how these contributions greatly improve the well-being of their families. She may also need some summer clothes because NC is much warmer than Belarus. We estimate that $500-$800 will be required to provide for her. Some of that total can be reduced through clothing and other direct donations. We are expected to send warm clothes back with her as well.
We look forward to partnering with you in this venture to share God's love with a family on the other side of our world. Very soon we will know her name.
Dean, Jodi, and Lili Grubbs